Two women in constriction outfits inside of the new Social work/smart hospital buidling

Smart Hospital faculty and staff are abuzz with excitement as they prepare to move into the nearly complete School of Social Work/ College of Nursing and Health Innovation Smart Hospital Building. As the building has progressed, so too have plans for the space inside the brand-new facility.

One room that has really captured the team’s imagination is the new virtual reality suite. The new Smart Hospital will also have three large skills labs that can fit up to three clinical groups at a time, as well as smaller individual high-fidelity simulation rooms, each with their own control room.

A Home Health Suite is also being outfitted in the Smart Hospital, which will be used to train nursing students on how to provide at-home care, including one emerging concept called “Hospital at Home.”

CONHI students will be at the forefront of the newest innovations in nursing thanks to the future vision of the Smart Hospital.